If Not Now, When? KZSU Review

There’s an incredibly pliant simpatico driving this music ever higher and deeper. ~ Tom McCarter, KZSU 90.1fm Stanford, May, 2018

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“Evolution” is not just an album; it’s an eloquent, impassioned plea for humanity.

“Evolution” is not just an album; it’s an eloquent, impassioned plea for humanity. Brachfeld has serious jazz chops. “Child of the Earth”, a spoken word affirmation, might be the album’s defining moment. Brachfeld’s delivery reflects the words’ urgency, her gradually rising voice driving the rhythm section relentlessly as the music builds and intensifies beneath her elemental message […]

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Unique and Worldly Approach

“Brachfeld is joined by Bill O’Connell (piano), Harvie S (bass) and Jason Tiemann (drums, percussion), and they help make for a very unique and worldly approach to songwriting that you can’t help but appreciate. “ ~ Take Effect, August 2022, takeeffectreviews.com

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Jazz Weekly, George Harris

“Her flute floats on the upbeat “What’s UP “ and is cirrus fluffy for “The Unraveling Of It All”. Winds in the woods.” ~ George Harris, June 2022, jazzweekly.com

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All About Jazz, Jack Bowers

“There is nothing at which she does not excel, regardless of mood or tempo.” ~ Jack Bowers, June 2022, allaboutjazz.com

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Gorgeous, Rich Sound

“When I listen to the gorgeous, rich sound of flutist Andrea Brachfeld, I question why she is not constantly headlining at the world’s top jazz spots.” ~ Don Smith, May 2022, hothousejazz.com

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Consistently Engaging

“…the music itself is consistently engaging and admirably performed by Brachfeld and her teammates. When the sum is totaled, that is what counts most.” ~ Jack Bowers, June 2022, allaboutjazz.com/

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“With her longtime compatriots fully onboard, the music is allowed to respond to myriad influences, deftly blending into a distinctive voice.” ~Tomas dela Pena, April 2022, jazzdelapena.com/

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Jazz Weekly

“Her flute floats on the upbeat “What’s UP “ and is cirrus fluffy for “The Unraveling Of It All”. Winds in the woods.”  ~George Harris , June 2022, jazzweekly.com

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Exploration of self

“With Evolution, Brachfeld continues her discoveries in music and exploration of self.”  ~May 23, 2022, soundindepth.com

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