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“You are to be commended for playing very clean unusual melodies with palatable tone.” (Evolution) Hubert Laws 2022
“Andrea Brachfeld, another fine new album from you! Great Quartet. Jason Tiemann is awesome on the tracks.” Bradley Stone June 2022
“Together they (Bill O’ Connell and Andrea Brachfeld) interpret several familiar tunes and Brachfeld originals, each distinguished by the flutist’s rich, flowing lines and bold improvisational instincts.” – Bill Milkowski, Downbeat Magazine, April 2016, 4 STARS
“… Her marvelous tone and technique are astonishing… She is definitely among those who deserves recognition not only among her peers, but the public in general.” – Hubert Laws
“…With all due respect she plays her buns off; one of the first ladies to disprove the concept that only men can deal with the real deal…” – Dave Valentín
“…To date, this (Lady of the Island) may be the clearest representation of Andrea’s expression through her music…she is a hard bopper at heart…” – Wycliffe Gordon
“The flutist Andrea Brachfeld is one of the most magnificent flutists playing today. Ms. Brachfeld is like a rare bird soaring in a rarified realm. If you think her music is memorable, it is because her very heart sings… It is impossible to imagine there are songs (Lotus Blossom) played with as much feeling and such virtuosity…” – Raul da Gama, www.jazzdagama.com, December 2015
“I hear technical control as well as inspiration, enthusiasm and risk taking. Not only does Andrea’s playing stand out, but all of the musicians do.” – Eric de Rooij, The Dutch Flute Society in The Netherlands, FLUIT, January 2016
“This past September, Andrea Brachfeld won her first Hot House Jazz Award as “Flutist of the Year” in Manhattan. When you listen to her new album Lotus Blossom (Jazzheads), out since October 13, it’ll make complete sense…
“Winning a music award isn’t new to Brachfeld…Now, it’s her time.” – Carol Banks Weber, AXS Contributor
“…this album is a beautiful collaboration of extraordinary jazz musicians. (Andrea) Her sound, technique, pitch and creativity all sound effortless, a tribute to her virtuosity. Congratulations on a terrific new CD.”
“Andrea Brachfeld is a flutist equally comfortable playing Latin jazz or straight-ahead swing/bop/postbop styles; her tone is consistently warm and woody, her phrasing lithe, her time impeccable. And she possesses that essential but rare trait: the ability to express herself deeply without taxing the patience of the listener”.
–Rick Anderson, CD Hotlist
“…there’s no question that Andrea Brachfeld is a superb player and has chosen stellar musicians on this session…”
–George Fendel, Jazzscene
“Brachfeld is at the top of her game. She’s an in-demand jazz musician. Brachfeld this month released her sixth CD, “Lotus Blossom,” an improvisational jazz tour de force.”
– Ken Thorbourne , October 27, 2015. The Jersey Journal
“Andrea Brachfield is a revelation! She is excellent and has actually the “Chops” to play credible jazz flute! This would have been possible by her great backing trio of Billy O’Connell, Winard Harper, and Rufus Reid. Will use her music for months to come.” – Peter Kuller, Jazz Presenter Radio Adelaide, JPL “Jazz from Down Under”
“There is something magical about the sound of the flute no matter how well it is played; and when it is played as masterfully as Andrea Brachfeld plays it on her album Lady of the Island it is not only magical but mystical as well…
“…Of course the session belongs to Andrea Brachfeld, who is as sensational and breathtaking as a master flutist can be, making a record as memorable as one can ever be…
– Raul da Gama latinjazznet.com
…Duke Ellington’s masterful “I Got It Bad” is the set’s first ballad, a duet performed exquisitely by Brachfeld on alto flute with O’Connell, together turning in one of the album’s clear highlights…
…The selection of music and the personnel listing alone is enticement enough to sample the treasures found on this island…
– Edward Blanco, allaboutjazz.com
“Lady of the Island …is her first recording as leader for a straight ahead jazz session, and from the evidence here, it will likely not be her last. “
“…I will admit that I am not a big flute fan, but Brachfeld has a lovely tone, and a creative feel for improvisation that won me over for this recording. The shifting moods of this album make it fun to hear, and always fresh.
– Joseph Lang, Jersey Jazz
“Jazz flute aficionados should not overlook this CD, for Andrea Brachfeld is currently one of the best players of jazz on the instrument…
…”Little Girl’s Song,” written by Brachfeld years ago for her now grown-up daughter, is a lyrical gem that has the welcoming character of a tried and true standard…
…the soothing ebb and flow and rich, full sound of Brachfeld…
… The other seven tracks show how equally comfortable and productive she can be in a “pure” jazz context.”
– Scott Albin, Contributing writer for JazzTimes and jazz.com JazzTimes
…Brachfeld has established an admirable legacy not only in jazz, but in many other genres…”
“Happily, Brachfeld also excels as a bandleader, as Lady Of The Island underscores in abundance…”
“Indeed, it is a combination of both the interpretive skills of the assembled players and Brachfeld’s acumen as both leader and visionary that in part enables all concerned to change moods with seeming effortlessness from track to track…”
“…there is much herein to appease the highly discerning hard bop contingent…at hand is a collection rife with wit, originality, technique, diversity and that rarest of qualities, accessibility. Brachfeld has kept her perspective In The Center, and the aesthetic dividends have proven to be far reaching in every direction…”
– Michael McDowell, Editor/Publisher Blitz Magazine
“… You play so beautifully and with such great improv and authority. You have a beautiful sound and must have been classically trained. Hubert’s influence is there too.”
– Tom Schnabel, Producer, KCRW / NPR
“Brachfeld is an incredibly skilled jazz player, her tone resonates and her lines pour out and hang in mid-air… Sample the title track and see how long it takes before you download this gem.”
– Marc Meyer, www.JazzWax.com
“…she stakes her claim as one of the top jazz flutists around today…
…Lady of the Island, available from www.zohomusic.com, is Andrea Brachfeld’s definitive recording thus far.”
– Scott Yanow, Waxing Poetic Reviews. L.A. Jazz Scene
“Flute players are a dime a dozen but artists that play flute are rare…”
“…The latest Zoho release from Andrea Brachfeld certainly places her at the very top of the list when it comes to memorable artistry…”
“… Brachfeld draws a slightly more hard bop line in the sand then one would expect and delivers the goods. The real deal…”
“…Andrea Brachfeld turns in an impressive performance along with her 4tet and special guests for a solid and incredibly entertaining release.”
– Brent Black, www.criticaljazz.com
“…For her fifth leader date, and first on the Zoho label, Brachfeld unleashes brazen chops and beauty with heart and flute aflutter…”
“…This marks the dawn of a new day for the fabulous flute of Andrea Brachfeld and those willing to open their ears to it.”
– DAN BILAWSKY, www.allaboutjazz.com
“…this is a solid release…”
“…Brachfeld’s own forays between measured lyricism and bop…”
“…Favorite cut? Four Corners. Knocks me on my ass, though Bebop Hanna is exceedingly memorable as well, as much for its humor and brash in your face sassiness as its chops.”
– Folk & Acoustic Music Exchange, Mark S. Tucker
“…she does demonstrate admirable swing and tonal flexibility, and her compositions display an impressive balance of accessibility and complexity…”
“…she’s a very skillful and idiomatic player and her band is exceptional.”
– Rick Anderson, www.cdhotlist.com
“Brachfeld plays passionate hard-driving be bop with the best of them, and in softer moments her tone is magic…”
“…Like I said, if Lady of the Island is any indication of what Andrea Brachfeld can do, as well as what she may be doing in the future, somebody better take another look at that list of 100 greatest flautists and give some serious thought to its revision.”
– Jack Goodstein, blogcritics.org
“Brachfeld can write as well. Her brisk opener, “Bebop Hanna,” is a flag-waver, and “Dead Ahead” is taken at a tempo not for the faint of heart…”
“…Brachfeld is anything but the stereotypical “lady flute player.” So don’t expect seamless New Age sounds. Brachfeld has surrounded herself with some steaming colleagues, and she definitely fits right in!”
– George Fendel, Jazz Society of Oregon
“How would you like to sit a few feet from one of the greatest masters of the jazz flute in the world, be able to watch her every move, and be able to hang with the band between sets?”
“…Andrea ranks with the absolute top handful of jazz flautists in the entire world (or universe) with blazing technique, a deep love for the Latin tinge, a soulful flute sound that is a cross between Charlie Parker, Roland Kirk and the great monsters of the classical instrument.”
– The Jazz Spy, Kenneth L. Vermes. JazzWest.com
“Lotus Blossom ,a collection of ten selections that illustrate why flautist ANDREA BRACHFELD has garnered continuous acclaim for her playing. Here she is joined by pianist Bill O’Connell, bassist Rufus Reed and drummer Winard Harper for a session that is resplendent with joy and creativity.”
“… Brachfeld’s fluency and imagination as a player is exceptional.Equally impressive are her composing credentials that are illustrated by the four fine originals included on the program.”
– Jazzwise Magazine (Jon Newey)
“… Her marvelous tone and technique are astonishing… She is definitely among those who deserves recognition not only among her peers, but the public in general.” – Hubert Laws
“…(you) sound beautiful…good to hear you playing.” – Frank Wess
“…With all due respect she plays her buns off; one of the first ladies to disprove the concept that only men can deal with the real deal…” – Dave Valentín
“…one of the premier flutists in Latin Jazz…” – Peter Watrous, descarga.com
“…Brachfeld demonstrates commanding technique…she knows exactly what to use when and where the mark of a sensitive, mature artist and improviser…”
– Clive Griffin, Jazz Improv NY
“Eclecticism thy name is Andrea Brachfeld. Her Latin Jazz chops are evinced from just a glance at the personnel listing…Mike Longo…Paul West… Brian Lynch.”
– Arnold Jay Smith, Jazz Journalist
“… Andrea Brachfeld shows why she is considered one of the premier Jazz flutists in the world…”
– Sonia Goldstein, Jazzreview.com
“Thousands the world over play the flute, and just a few play it well. Andrea Brachfeld is one of those…”
– Max Salazar, writer, Latin Beat
“The gifted flutist Andrea Brachfeld…is destined to be a great force on her chosen instrument…the leader’s (Andrea) tremendous imagination…is on the level with Hubert Laws’ best efforts.”
– James D. Armstrong Jr., jazznow.com
“Andrea Brachfeld can hold her own with other jazz flutists and should be ranked right there with them.”
– Denai Burbank, jazzreviews.com
“…the main star throughout is Andrea Brachfeld, whose fluent and versatile flute is consistenly impressive. She deserves to be much better known.”
– Scott Yanow, writer, LA JAZZ SCENE
“Andrea is unequivocally the First Lady of Latin Flute.”
– Bobby Ramirez, Latin Jazz Club
“The extraordinary flutist/composer/arranger/bandleader Andrea Brachfeld has been at the forefront of New York City’s Latin Jazz movement for some time now…The beautiful brunette and powerful flutist unleashes rousing high energy solos…”
– Rudy Mangual, Publisher, Editor- in- Chief, Latin Beat Magazine
“… you probably have the most beautiful tone on the instrument that I have heard in a long time…”
– Bobby Sanabria, master drummer, percussionist, Grammy Award winner
“I have often said about Dave Valentín, that his flute playing takes me on a magic carpet ride. Now I can say the same of your playing as well. Just keep playing that beautiful music; that’s all you have to do.”
– Awilda Rivera, Host, Latin Jazz Cruise WBGO
“Andrea’s flute playing virtuosity is so uncanny and awe- inspiring that it has prompted me to refer to her as the Chucho Valdez of the flute… I’ve heard Jane Bunnett, Pacheco, Fajardo, Connie Grossman, Dave Valentín, Eddie Zervigon, …Richard Egues, …Nestor Torres. You got them all beat.”
– Richard Blondett, oasissalsero.com
“…I was especially impressed by the flute solos of Andrea Brachfeld. She made the changes nicely on Dorham’s version of Kern’s “All the Things You Are,” a tune with tricky key changes. She had the whole basis of technique and sound and played like she knew musicians use these things to express other things, like humor, emotion, and beauty. Her solos sounded like the beginning of very interesting stories and when she took two choruses, she sounded like she could easily have done 10 more and not run out of ideas.”
– Victor Stein, The Village Voice
“Andrea Brachfeld’s flute swung with a vigorously dark, gutty quality.”
– John S. Wilson, NY Times
“…I was only previously familiar with three (musicians) , two of whom were scheduled and one who sat in later and turned the place upside down. This was Andrea Brachfeld, a flutist who deserves special mention…because she is one of the finest jazz flutists around…”
– Susan Mannheimer, Downbeat
“…Ms. Brachfeld plays the flute as though her life depended on it and seeing student become pro is beautiful like her music.”
– Village Voice
“Andrea…you especially, as always, sound breathtaking. Nice work!!!”
– Johnny “Speedy” Gonzalez, INTERNATIONAL Latin DJs Unlimited
“Whether it be jazz – Latin or mainstream – or Salsa and Yoruban chants, she sparkles and swings!”
– Vicki Sola, Director and Producer of “Qué Viva La Música” WFDU, Latin Beat columnist
“You’re a world class musician whose music gets better as you grow…”
– David Wasserman, Latin Cool Records
“An experienced veteran and hidden gem within New York’s active Latin Jazz scene…”
– Chip Boaz, The Latin Jazz Corner
“…one thing I know for sure is that her passion shines through with each and every one of her releases…”
“…Andrea Brachfeld has captured the true essence of what Afro Cuban music is all about…”
– Maria von Dickersohn, former veteran New York DJ, CD101.9 and Sirius Satellite Radio
“…I was amazed at the virtuosity of the playing…”
– Andy Kaufman, Birdland, NYC
“…Andrea shows us her (Latin) flavor, abilities, and mature music. Her vigorous notes and brilliant improvisations exude the happiness which can only be associated with a musical heaven.”
– Norberto Rivera, WIPR Radio 940 AM, Puerto Rico
“It’s Andrea in the kitchen and at the top of her game, adding her personal spices to the mix with faultless technique and melodious creativity.”
– Jesse Varela, writer, Latin Beat Magazine
“…Andrea Brachfeld is back, and attractive as ever. And most important she is also bringing those glorious flute sounds with her… one of the best flutists in Afro Cuban music…”
– George Rivera, Salsaweb.com
“…She sure digs her Latin grooves. Stylistically, one hears traces of Hubert Laws, Dave Valentín, and Joe Farrell. The big difference is her tone: there is an energetic yearning that I can only describe as angelic.”
– Charles Winokoor, copyright 2000 Cadence Magazine, Cadence Building, Redwood, NY 13679 USA www.cadencebuilding.com